
Learning Support

To support, through collaborative partnerships, a whole school commitment to effective teaching and learning of students with specific educational needs.

糖心Vlog传媒 Lutheran College is dedicated to supporting the learning of every student, and ensuring the needs of each child are met and supported.

Learning Support is allocated to identified students based on their needs. Students with disability and disorder are eligible. Students with English as an Additional Language and Indigenous students are also entitled to support.   

Learning Support Eligibility

Learning Support is allocated to the following students on a needs basis.

Students with an Educational Adjustment Profile (EAP): 

- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Intellectual impairment
- Physical impairment
- Vision impairment
- Hearing impairment
- Speech and language impairment
- Social emotional disorder

Students with a Professional Diagnosis Requiring Educational Support:

- Specific learning disorders
- Medical conditions

Students with English as an additional language

Students with Aboriginal Or Torres Strait Islander heritage

Support Available

- Individual Education Plans
- Learning Support Teachers
- Teacher Aides
- Access Arrangements and
- Reasonable Adjustments (AARAs)
- Provisions for NAPLAN
- Assignment support

Learning Support Resources

Resources available in Learning Enhancement for Learning Support:

- Meeting rooms
- Flexible student workspaces
- Proximity to Psychologist, Counsellor,
- Health Centre, Academic Enrichment

Learning Support Classes at discretion of Learning Support Coordinator

- Supported Learning Classes in 7 and 8
- Independent Learning Classes in 9 and 10

Senior School

Students receive support with:
- Subject selection
- AARA Applications
- QTAC Applications
- Individual Pathways

Middle School

Assisted transition from primary to Middle School:
- Students and parents Introduction and "Welcome to Learning Support"
- Student Transition Days/Visits

Learning Support Programs

As part of our Learning Support program, students gain access to a number of facilities and support resources.


Learning Support students work with specialist Teachers Aides and have access to facilities to meet their learning needs. Year level Case Managers consult and collaborate with parents/carers, students, and specialists to identify areas of needs and develop classroom strategies to support inclusive education.

In-class support facilities:

- Specialist Teacher Aides

- Year Level Case Managers

- Supported Learning Classes (SL) at discretion of Learning Support Coordinator

- Use of 糖心Vlog传媒's After School Tutoring program


Learning Support collaborate with the School Psychologist, Counsellors and Chaplains to support the emotional needs of our students. 


In Middle School Learning Support, we welcome and support students in their transition from primary school. Middle School Case Managers and Teacher Aides are dedicated to a specific year level, to provide specialised support. Learning Support Case Managers, work collaboratively with students, parents, Year Level Coordinators, GEL teachers, subject teachers, Counsellors, Chaplains and the Health Centre, with a holistic approach to supporting students.

Middle School Learning Support:

- Introducing students and parents to the support available here at the College.

- Learning and valuing the individual strengths and challenges of students.

- Assignment, organisational and time management support.

- Identifying and providing appropriate exam adjustments, AARAs (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments), to support the individual needs of students. 


Senior School Case Managers and Teacher Aides are dedicated to a specific year level, to provide specialised support. Learning Support Case Managers, work collaboratively with students, parents, Year Level Coordinators, GEL teachers, subject teachers, Counsellors, Chaplains and the Health Centre, with a holistic approach to supporting students.

Senior School Learning Support Case Managers, Vocational and Careers staff will assist students with their Subject Selection and in planning for University, TAFE or Vocational pathways.  

Senior School Learning Support:

- Organisational Support and Scaffolding of Assignments 

- Provisions for Internal and External Exams 

- Applications for Educational Access Scheme with QTAC

- Pastoral Care and Social Support

Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments


Learning Support students may receive Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments  (AARAs) when completing examinations. These are determined by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority and implemented by our Learning Support Team. 

Learning Support Exam Provisions:

- Extra time, rest beaks 

- Reader, scribe, computer

- Varied Seating

- Assistive technologies


Learning Support students can access additional resources to assist in their learning. This may include assignment support and access to flexible learning spaces.

Assignment support provisions may include:

- Individual or group support from teacher aides

- Organisational support  

 - Additional scaffolding and explanation

Contact Learning Support

Contact 糖心Vlog传媒 Lutheran College to learn more about our Learning Support programs and opportunities.

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